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The Power of PATH
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With the unpredictability and limited capabilities of zoom and skype , we are proud to be partnering with PATH.


This is a powerful cloud-based broadcast platform with ultra-low latency video and audio transport, wrapped in a powerful interaction and game engine. PATH provides virtual green rooms, full HD video and duplex CD quality audio with synchronized gameplay/voting/opinion polling with the ability to connect any users to stage with 2-way audio and video. It works for the smallest of projects to the largest and is scalable to hundreds of participants.


Already being used to link presenters and guests from their laptop to broadcast studios, credits include ITV in the Middle East, Come Dine with Me and NBC Game night.  Dr Phil, on CBS.  It was also used to link Bruno Toniolli to the Strictly Come Dancing Studio for BBC One. 


Perfect for broadcast and live corporate events,  PATH delivers HD quality video and stereo sound at lightning speed.   Not only is it fast, but the capabilities are vast from virtual audience management, IFB talkback, teleprompter management, director or producer dashboards, virtual green rooms, and a range of voting, quizzing and polling platforms that are unique to the system. 


The guests and audience receive full cd quality sound on a lightening fast connection. No more compressed sound or delayed picture – if the quality of the internet connection drops, PATH can adjust the bit rate and resolution to keep the show on air.   PATH has built in tools to adjust the colour,  and saturation of everyone’s feed.


Customisable video walls and unlimited live guests, lightening fast connections to television studios and presenters at home, PATH is remote tv on a brand new level.

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